Autori Aaron Douglas, Cliff Richards, Cliff Richards
Editore Dstlry Media
Titolo Completo: Endeavour #1 Cvr D 25 Copy Incentivevc (Mr)
Collana-Linea: Endeavour Cvr D 25 Copy Incentivevc (Mr)
Numero: 1
Cod Nov240990
Isbn 61499847369400141
Catalogo Gadget Previews 499 – Novembre 2024
Pagina: 166
Attributo 5 valuta(e)
Data Pre-Order 2024-10-10
Descrizione Inglese: New Dstlry Series Debut From Stephanie Phillips, The Acclaimed Writer Of Life, Harley Quinn, And Grim, And Marc Laming, The Amazing Artist Of Star Wars, Red Sonja, And More! From 1768 To 1771, The Hms Endeavour, Commanded By The Famous Lieutenant James Cook, Sailed On A Voyage Of Discovery Around Tahiti, New Zealand, And Australia. It Didn’t End Well. Now, A Modern-Day Tourism Company Is Offering A ‘Luxury’ Trip Aboard A Near-Accurate Recreation Of The Ship, Endeavour. For A Hefty Fee, Elite Passengers Can Experience History With All The Modern Comforts. The Vacation Of A Lifetimeâ¦Until The Unthinkable Happens, And Seven Children Are Stuck Aboard The Ship, Alone And Adrift At Sea. Rough Seas And Rations Are The Least Of Their Worries As They Quickly Realize The Real Enemy Is Each Other. Every Issue From Dstlry Is Presented In Our Perfect Bound Prestige Format, Featuring Wraparound Covers With Spot Gloss On Robust Cover Stock, Complemented By 48 Pages Of Exquisite Interior Stock. It’s The Dstlry Difference. For Fans Of Lord Of The Flies And Yellowjackets.
Note Inglese: New Dstlry Series Debut From Stephanie Phillips, The Acclaimed Writer Of Life, Harley Quinn, And Grim, And Marc Laming, The Amazing Artist Of Star Wars, Red Sonja, And More! From 1768 To 1771, The Hms Endeavour, Commanded By The Famous Lieutenant James Cook, Sailed On A Voyage Of Discovery Around Tahiti, New Zealand, And Australia. It Didn’t End Well. Now, A Modern-Day Tourism Company Is Offering A ‘Luxury’ Trip Aboard A Near-Accurate Recreation Of The Ship, Endeavour. For A Hefty Fee, Elite Passengers Can Experience History With All The Modern Comforts. The Vacation Of A Lifetimeâ¦Until The Unthinkable Happens, And Seven Children Are Stuck Aboard The Ship, Alone And Adrift At Sea. Rough Seas And Rations Are The Least Of Their Worries As They Quickly Realize The Real Enemy Is Each Other. Every Issue From Dstlry Is Presented In Our Perfect Bound Prestige Format, Featuring Wraparound Covers With Spot Gloss On Robust Cover Stock, Complemented By 48 Pages Of Exquisite Interior Stock. It’s The Dstlry Difference. For Fans Of Lord Of The Flies And Yellowjackets.
Descrizione Italiano :La redenzione di Shawshank incontra il sesto senso, ispirato da una storia vera inquietantemente agghiacciante. Una guardia carceraria appena assunta, un famigerato assassino di massa finalmente incarcerato per i suoi crimini e la morte che li lega insieme. Cosa succede quando l’assassinato diventa l’assassino? Un format di prestigio “One-Shock” con talenti creativi di altissimo livello, 10 Years To Death è una storia orribile e inquietante ideata e scritta da Aaron Douglas (“Capo” dell’iconica serie televisiva Battlestar Galactica) e disegnata da Cliff Richards (Shock, Buffy l’ammazzavampiri). Viene offerta anche un’edizione firmata limitata a 1000 copie a $ 19,99 per copia. Ogni copia sarà firmata dal “capo” di Battlestar Galactica, Aaron Douglas. L’edizione firmata verrà spedita contemporaneamente all’edizione principale.
Note Italiano :La redenzione di Shawshank incontra il sesto senso, ispirato da una storia vera inquietantemente agghiacciante. Una guardia carceraria appena assunta, un famigerato assassino di massa finalmente incarcerato per i suoi crimini e la morte che li lega insieme. Cosa succede quando l’assassinato diventa l’assassino? Un format di prestigio “One-Shock” con talenti creativi di altissimo livello, 10 Years To Death è una storia orribile e inquietante ideata e scritta da Aaron Douglas (“Capo” dell’iconica serie televisiva Battlestar Galactica) e disegnata da Cliff Richards (Shock, Buffy l’ammazzavampiri). Viene offerta anche un’edizione firmata limitata a 1000 copie a $ 19,99 per copia. Ogni copia sarà firmata dal “capo” di Battlestar Galactica, Aaron Douglas. L’edizione firmata verrà spedita contemporaneamente all’edizione principale.